After all, their capabilities were simply not enough to stop Skylar.

“Jared, once I regain my physical body, I will come find you again…”

Skylar cast a glance at the cave, and in an instant, he was nowhere to be seen.

He wasn’t going to wait around for Jared to emerge, and then follow him into a life-or-death situation. He wasn’t that foolish.

Skylar’s sole objective was to acquire Demonia Stone. Since he had it in his possession, nothing else mattered.

As for dealing with Jared, there would be plenty of time once his physical body was restored.

Skylar, that guy, was incredibly clever. It was precisely because of this that he constantly caused significant difficulties for Jared.

After Skylar left, Norman couldn’t help but let out a helpless sigh.

He didn’t concern himself with Jared in the cave. Instead, he left with the disciples of Demonia Sect.

He knew there was no way Jared could retrieve the cultivation technique secret scrolls.

use anything as a reward in the future to entice people to retrieve the cultivation technique

Trystan and his companions were left anxiously waiting for Jared

out to be an entire day and

Mr. Chance still hasn’t emerged. Could

brows, uncertain about

Faiyar couldn’t wait any longer. He had to go find

go! With your current abilities, going in there

Clifford quickly intervened by saying, “Serena, he wants to go in and take a look. Let him. If it gets dangerous, he can quickly get out. Besides, Mr. Zaffino said that the only risk is

to enter. In fact, Clifford wanted Faiyar to

you go in and take a look,

at a loss for words, unsure of how to

as a massive swarm of dark clouds

turn of events had taken Trystan

they thought

it was only when these ominous clouds had gathered overhead that Trystan realized they were

clouds had completely enveloped the entire Demonia Sect, and within them, one could clearly see streaks of lightning continuously flashing

confusion. “Who

powerful the lightning tribulation clouds would become, making the lightning

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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