Upon witnessing this scene, Serena yelled, “The lightning tribulation is about to strike!”

Everyone was intently watching the lightning tribulation, curious to see where it would strike. That would reveal who had made the breakthrough.

Norman, along with everyone from Demonia Sect, had their eyes glued to the lightning tribulation. They were all extremely curious, wanting to know who was making a breakthrough in their sect.


Suddenly, a deafening noise erupted, causing everyone to instinctively cover their ears.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning tore through the lightning tribulation clouds.

Astonishingly, the target of this lightning strike was the mountain peak right before the eyes of Trystan and his group.

In an instant, lightning struck the mountain peak. The massive peak was split open, creating a fissure. The lightning traveled down this crack in a swift motion.

“Wait…” Trystan’s mouth fell open in disbelief, his face filled with astonishment.

“Mr. Chance! It’s Mr. Chance! He has broken through!”

Upon seeing the situation, Faiyar was instantly thrilled and let out a loud cheer. None of them had anticipated that Jared would actually make his breakthrough within that cave.

Norman swiftly leaped into action, heading straight toward the location

hastened to

lightning tribulation strike the peak behind Demonia Sect, they were instantly

then asked Trystan. “Mr.

Mr. Chance has made a breakthrough…” Trystan

“How could it be possible to achieve that in this cave? It’s full

Jared was in a cave, his body levitating. Countless beams of golden

lightning tribulation struck

he channeled the lightning tribulation through his own body,

strike of the lightning tribulation, the restrictions

tribulation crashed down, gradually

fell into a state

tribulation clouds, uttering in astonishment, “How could a Second Level Tribulator possibly overcome such a

to break through their limits. All of them perished under the lightning

tribulation had passed, Serena noticed the cave remained undisturbed and couldn’t help but ask, “Master, Mr.

Mr. Chance is fine.

was the

with Jared for quite some time

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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