“Stay safe!” Trystan gave his consent.

Throughout the journey, he observed the actions of Serena and Faiyar, realizing that they were both fond of each other. It was clear that they were rapidly moving toward becoming a couple.

Trystan wasn’t a narrow-minded person. If his disciples could find their other half, their soulmate, to perform dual cultivation, he was supportive of it.

Even Demonic Cultivators were human, possessing the same range of emotions and desires, and they also needed to express their feelings.

“Master, I also want to look around a bit…” Upon seeing that Serena and Faiyar were planning to continue their stroll, Clifford decided not to proceed to Moses’ house.

glanced at Clifford, then nodded, saying, “You better behave yourself. Don’t

Trystan, accompanied

the guidance of Moses, they arrived

evidence of the immense wealth of Pathfinder Sect. It

Pruitt, please come inside…” Moses invited

as he stepped into the courtyard, Trystan paused slightly. Then, he looked around and asked, “Moses, has your mansion been set with some kind of arcane array? I feel a certain

As soon as he stepped into the courtyard, he sensed a force seemingly restraining his divine soul. Even his spiritual sense found it difficult to expand into

a vicious arcane array exist

Spirits Array? What kind of arcane array is this?”

the presence of the arcane array, he was clueless about its specifics and

Demon Lord explained, “Ten Thousand Spirits Array is an arcane array designed to nourish the divine soul. However, few are aware that every full moon night, Ten Thousand Spirits Array would draw in spirits, leaving individuals feeling incomplete and fragmented. The captured spirits would then be refined by the one who cast the spell. The maliciousness of

after he heard the explanation

set up such a malicious arcane array in the mansion of an elder

soul spiraling out of control, making it difficult for her to regain her composure. In order to restrain her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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