After all, Jared looked like a middle-aged man with a full-face beard, which made him seem somewhat intimidating.

Trystan quickly said, “Mr. Sutton, this is a friend of mine who is quite knowledgeable about souls. There’s no need to worry about your daughter getting frightened.”

Upon hearing this, Moses finally agreed to let Jared enter the room.

Upon entering the room, one could see a girl of about fifteen or sixteen years old lying on the bed. Her complexion was somewhat pale, and her eyes lacked their usual shine, giving her a somewhat dazed and foolish appearance.

Although the girl had strikingly attractive features, her lifeless eyes somewhat marred her beauty.

With just one glance, Jared knew that the girl was in a state of utter disorientation.

out a crystal- clear stone from his chest. He then began to gently

the stone began to emit a faint glow,

furrowed his brows, promptly

divine soul is no longer in a frail state at this moment. It’s clear that she’s missing a piece of her soul, a loss that is irreversible unless the soul can be retrieved,” Trystan

up a Soul Nourishing Array, all to protect my daughter. How could her soul possibly be lost?” Moses had a hard time

I ask you something? Who was it that set up this Soul Nourishing Array you speak of?” Jared

Array can indeed nurture the divine soul and also solidify the soul within the body, preventing it from leaving. You should be able to feel its effects

I ask, how long ago did you set up this Soul Nourishing Array?”

and replied, “It’s probably been about a year

slightly, and he

Jared said, “Mr. Sutton, what you’ve set up in your mansion isn’t some Soul Nourishing Array, but rather a Ten Thousand Spirits Array. This is an extremely malevolent arcane array. Although it doesn’t show any signs normally, this arcane

left Moses standing there, his

How did you find out?”

not only well- versed in the study of souls but also happens to be a senior array master. Hence, his words

hearing Trystan speak in such a manner,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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