Dillon dismissed One-Eyed’s insinuation with disdain. “Bullsh*t. Pathfinder Sect may not rival the Demon Seal Alliance, but we do not lack resources. How dare you suggest that? I don’t care who’s after Jared. He is currently under our protection, aboard our airship. Surrendering him would tarnish our reputation irreparably. As the escort, it’s my duty to ensure the safety of all passengers. Even at the cost of my life, I will not betray that trust. And if you dare to provoke a conflict, be prepared for the consequences. Even if I fall, Pathfinder Sect will ensure justice is served. Consider your actions carefully. If we mark you as our enemy, you won’t survive in the southern region.” Dillon’s words could only use Pathfinder Sect’s authority to intimidate One- Eyed and his group.

As expected, One-Eyed’s resolve wavered. Pathfinder Sect wielded considerable influence throughout the southern region, boasting numerous branches and a formidable reputation.

If he crossed them and found himself on their hit list, it would indeed be impossible for him to survive in the southern region.

Moreover, the sect leader of Pathfinder Sect was an enigma, rarely seen and known by few. It was the elders who were primarily overseeing the sect.

give up now, we’re willing to provide a generous batch of resources. While it may not match the bounty

still hot, hoping he could persuade One-Eyed

offer, One-Eyed was

into his ear, “Boss, a century’s worth of

Dillon, One-Eyed spoke. “Mr. Sawyer, while I harbor no desire to be at odds with Pathfinder Sect,

close to succeeding! What did that underling

you could

and a hard

why are you out here? I told you to

his attention to Jared, One-Eyed was surprised. “Are you Jared Chance?” he asked, his tone tinged

bounty was typically a seasoned cultivator; a

deceptively youthful and was merely a Third Level

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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