“Sure. Speak up,” One-Eyed said.

“I want to know how you found out I was on Pathfinder Sect’s airship, and how you learned of my destination, the Lunarius Palace. Who betrayed me?” Jared had been wondering who

had disclosed his whereabouts. After all, only a handful of people knew about his journey to Lunarius Palace. There was no way those individuals would leak his whereabouts.

None of the cultivators on the airship knew who he was either, so there was no way they could have revealed it.

“Ha! Not only did you manage to offend the Demon Seal Alliance, but you’ve also crossed Mr. Mueller. He himself divulged your whereabouts to us. Now that you know, you can meet your end,” One-Eyed declared, his laughter echoing ominously.

“Keiran?” Jared’s narrowed his eyes as realization dawned on him.

knew Moses would never harm Keiran, but he hadn’t expected Keiran to be released

to offend him, Mr. Chance?” Dillon’s expression was one of confusion, as

Dillon at that moment. “It’s a long story. I’ll explain later.

accompanied by a group of formidable underlings. The disciples I have with me wouldn’t stand a chance

situation, he wouldn’t be worried, but

with the one- eyed guy. Leave the rest to me,” Jared

Chance, we’re talking about over a dozen Fifth and Sixth Level Tribulators. Even though there aren’t many

aware of Jared’s proficiency in charm spells, but the idea of a Third Level Tribulator taking on a dozen Fifth or Sixth Level Tribulators seemed utterly

funny at

the odds stacked against him, One-Eyed erupted into laughter. “Have you

to find out,” Jared retorted

his form enveloped


knew there was no avoiding the confrontation. Clenching his jaw, he addressed Jared, “Mr. Chance, team up with Pathfinder Sect’s disciples. Once I deal

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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