Before anyone could even comprehend what had transpired, Jared stood among the chaos, Dragonslayer Sword in hand, its blade still dripping with fresh blood.


Every disciple of Pathfinder Sect drew in a sharp breath, their initial frustration now replaced by utter astonishment.

Just moments ago, they were irate because Jared looked down on them, but now, they stood in awe. Witnessing a Third Level Tribulator dispatch a Fourth Level Tribulator with such precision and speed left them speechless.

Even for a Fifth Level Tribulator, such a feat would be impressive, but Jared had accomplished it effortlessly.

Dillon, too, was profoundly astonished. He had underestimated Jared’s strength; he couldn’t fathom achieving such a feat himself.

One-Eyed stared at his fallen comrade, flabbergasted.

this with your life!” he bellowed, his voice reverberating with fury as he lunged toward Jared with a scimitar encased in a sinister

Mr. Chance!” In response, Dillon surged forward, his determination

with One-Eyed in a fierce struggle, the remaining dozen Demonic Cultivators surged

figure after another materialized until there were seven identical versions of himself, each adorned in gleaming golden armor and brandishing a Dragonslayer Sword. Their eyes blazed

sudden appearance of multiple identical Jareds left

of Pathfinder Sect and the other cultivators aboard the airship, who watched

technique was Jared employing, how had he multiplied himself so suddenly, and which

continue your attacks!” One-Eyed roared, rallying his

was confident Jared had used some sort of illusion to

more, their mystical weapons slicing through the air in a synchronized barrage aimed

Dragonslayer Sword gleaming in

Demonic Cultivators converged on him. They recognized him as the genuine threat amidst the

Demonic Cultivators leaped into the air, charging straight toward Jared, completely ignoring the

on him, they were caught off guard

Sect making their move, they turned to find, to their astonishment, the Jared

as they witnessed six or seven of their comrades swiftly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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