As Dillon executed his move, he also witnessed the astonishing sight unfolding before him: Jared, in the blink of an eye, had single- handedly eliminated half of the dozen or so Demonic Cultivators.

It was now abundantly clear to Dillon why Jared had earlier asked if he could face One-Eyed alone.

The fact that over a dozen Demonic Cultivators, who were Fourth or Fifth Level Tribulators, stood no chance against Jared, a mere Third Level Tribulator, was simply absurd.


One-Eyed could sense the turmoil within himself, knowing he was injured. Realizing his current state was no longer fit for battle, coupled with the fact that his underlings were no match for Jared either, he swiftly waved his hand, making the decision to retreat.

gave chase. Their primary objective was to continue their journey. Engaging in further conflict would only serve as

during their journey to Lunarius Palace. Dillon understood the urgency of the situation; their priority was to

right?” Dillon inquired, concern evident in

Fifth Level Tribulators. They can’t harm me,”

no longer thought Jared was

Seal Alliance had placed such a generous bounty on

they returned to the airship, Dillon noticed the deceased

attempted to claim the reward offered by the Demon Seal Alliance by ending my life. Unfortunately for him, luck was not on his side. I took care of him

didn’t say much after hearing Jared’s explanation. His gaze swept over the numerous cultivators aboard the airship as he spoke. “As passengers of Pathfinder Sect, I assure you of your

the warning issued, the

days passed uneventfully, and finally, the airship arrived at the edge

from the airship, he beheld a sprawling landscape blanketed in white. Amidst this snowy expanse lay a modest-sized city, its structures standing out against

Palace, you’ll have to traverse the city and venture deep into the depths of Demonia Mountain. The weather here is unforgiving, and the

palace, which is relatively safer. Additionally, our sect maintains a branch in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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