Yuliya turned her gaze toward a female cultivator not too far away, her voice stern as she questioned her, “Eira, what’s going on? Why is there a line jumper?”

The female cultivator hurriedly came over and reported, “Ms. Liemann, this person is associated with Ms. Mueller.”

With a stern expression, Yuliya voiced her displeasure by saying, “Didn’t I make it clear before? Regardless of relationships, we must adhere to the rules, right? Have you forgotten the rules of Lunarius Palace?”

“Ms. Liemann, I…” The female cultivator’s voice trailed off as she lowered her head, appearing somewhat upset.

“Do I also have to follow the rules?”

A male cultivator donned in white was striding toward Yuliya, an amused smirk playing on his face.

When Jared caught sight of this male cultivator, he was instantly taken aback. Isn’t this Keiran, the one whom Mr. Sutton had let go? When did this guy arrive in Southedge City? Could it be that he is also heading to Lunarius Palace?

Yuliya’s brows furrowed slightly when she saw Keiran. “Mr. Mueller, your actions are now causing displeasure among others. Besides, our hands are tied…”

softened considerably, and it seemed that

glint, and with a smirk, he asked, “Are you suggesting that I should wait


line?” It appeared as though Keiran was challenging


Yuliya spoke in a calm tone, she

register me?” Keiran scoffed. “I’d like to see if

eyes wide. Do you see what this is?” Keiran was seen pulling out a token, which he casually flaunted in

when she saw the

fact that you’re a disciple from the inner circle of Lunarius Palace, I would have dealt with you a long time ago. My aunt was

he pocketed his token and headed straight for the reception room, completely disregarding

Jared’s presence. Jared had altered his appearance and suppressed his aura. Unless Keiran had deliberately probed, there was no way he could have

Her face was flushed with frustration, but she

hiding behind his relationship with Ms. Mueller. Plus, this guy, flaunting his status as the pampered son of the Mueller family, has been messing with several of us from the outer circle. He also talked about balancing the forces of negative and positive energy, and the dual cultivation of ice and fire, claiming it could rapidly increase one’s power. Many of us from the outer circle were deceived by his

sentence, Yuliya quickly shot her a stern

there, it wasn’t appropriate to discuss some of the

Eira without casting

Jared was nothing more than a mere Third Level

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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