With a cool smile, Jared responded, “You’re robbing me.”

“Well, I did. What can you do about it? Let me tell you, wealth is but a worldly possession. Be careful, or you might lose your life over money! If you die, then-”

Before Alastair could even finish his sentence, he realized that Jared had disappeared.

Immediately after, a dark figure flashed before him. Alastair felt his breath hitch, struggling to catch his breath.

Before anyone knew it, Jared was already before Alastair’s eyes and gripping Alastair’s throat.

Alastair’s eyes were wide open, filled with an expression of utter disbelief.

Despite being a Fifth Level Tribulator, he had no time to react before he was completely controlled by Jared, who was merely a Third Level Tribulator.

“Nobody has ever dared to rob from me…” Jared’s gaze was icy cold, while his hands ceaselessly emitted waves of aura.

suppressed by this overwhelming aura, rendering him completely immobile. Moreover, he could feel his divine soul gradually being stripped

thrown into a panic, and he realized he

spirit coins possibly be an ordinary cultivator? Sh*t! Regret consumed Alastair, and beads of cold sweat continuously dripped

genuinely know the way to Lunarius Palace, and it’s absolutely safe. I can take you to Lunarius Palace and also return all your money to you. Please, Sir. Show me some mercy and spare my life,” Alastair pleaded. “I have elderly parents who are hundreds of years old and children who are decades old.

Alastair spoke, tears surprisingly began

either. After all, it wasn’t worth

know the way to Lunarius Palace?” Jared

had no choice but to head to Lunarius Palace himself. If someone could guide him,

strike me with

made a

that, Jared loosened his grip on


the money.


his hand, Jared casually said, “No need. If you take me to Lunarius Palace, consider that money as

instantly when he heard that. He patted his chest confidently and assured, “Sir, don’t worry. I will definitely take you to Lunarius Palace,

away from Southedge City, subsequently arriving at the foot of Demonia Mountain. There, it was a blanket of endless snow, stretching as far as the eye could

mountain. Instead, they continued their journey south

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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