Upon hearing this, Keiran instantly understood. It turned out that his entrance into the trial tower was all due to Yuliya’s scheming. She tried to destroy me through excessive praise!

With that in mind, Keiran wished he could give Yuliya a good thrashing right then and there.

In a hushed tone, Keiran said, “Aunt Selma, Jared has arrived. I can sense his aura. This guy is the one Demon Seal Alliance has been hunting for. If we manage to kill him, we can claim the century-long offerings. I’ve only told you about this matter. You mustn’t share it with anyone else. If things go as planned, the century-long tribute of Demon Seal Alliance will belong to our family alone.”

At this point in time, Keiran was surprisingly still contemplating the century-long offerings from Demon Seal Alliance.

However, he was then within the inner court of Lunarius Palace, with Selma’s protection. Keiran was confident that Jared simply could not harm him.

“What? This guy is the one that Demon Seal Alliance has been tirelessly pursuing? That’s fantastic!” Selma gave a cold laugh and said, “Hide behind me, and watch how I avenge you!”

Keiran took refuge behind Selma, and soon after, Jared emerged, landing in front of Selma.

a thorough once-over and was taken aback to discover

you injure my nephew?”

behind Selma, and nodded. “I don’t just intend


of the sword energy surprisingly converged on Keiran from all

anticipated that Jared, a Third Level Tribulator, would be so audacious. Thus, with a swift wave of

that he had to give it his all. He knew he had to find a way to

reveal his identity. Jared sheathed his Dragonslayer Sword, an ominous aura continuously

the end of days. A blanket of ominous clouds unexpectedly engulfed the sky, casting

sudden transformation of the sky.

Jared’s body gradually levitated. His form was enveloped in a halo of electricity, resonating

of light

in and out of sight,

slowly raised his hand and pressed

all the surrounding lightning seemed to

like a vortex, ceaselessly absorbing the surrounding

kind of technique is this?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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