Jared had long known that Selma would intervene. He was aware that he was no match for Selma at the moment. Thus, as Jared executed Thunder Palm, his other hand had already secured the timepiece.

As Thunder Palm came down, the timepiece in Jared’s hand began to glow, its hands starting to spin.

The time magical item activated, and instantly, everything around started to slow down, as if time itself was on the brink of halting.

Selma was taken aback. She suddenly felt as if time around her had come to a standstill. The magecraft she was casting began to slow down significantly, and the walls of ice that she was conjuring from the ground were rising at a snail’s pace.

In the eyes of those around them, Selma and her companions appeared as if they were frozen in time. No one knew what was actually going on.

Jared’s Thunder Palm, however, remained unaffected, striking Keiran with a resounding impact. Keiran’s eyes widened in disbelief, his face full of astonishment.

He had assumed that he would be safe from harm under his aunt’s protection once he reached the inner court of Lunarius Palace.

But now, Jared had hit him squarely with ease.

Keiran slowly fell to the ground. Already weakened, he couldn’t possibly

closed his eyes. He felt as though he saw his aunt calling out to him just

“Keiran! Keiran!”

at the lifeless body of Keiran, her eyes filled

already dead, so he could no longer hear anything. At this moment, the passage of time had

lifeless body of Keiran, utterly clueless about how

of utter bewilderment. She hadn’t expected that Jared would audaciously kill

How did a Third Level Tribulator like Jared manage

other cultivators were also utterly astounded at that moment, each of them rendered

first, they all looked down on Jared, who was only

them made them

You must pay

furiously at Jared, her

knowledge that the Mueller family was among the aristocratic families, and she was even an elder of Lunarius Palace. As such,

countless waves of frost energy to ceaselessly converged toward

in ice magic truly came into its own in this expansive, frosty palace. It was like a duck to water, allowing her to unleash her power to an

gathered from all around, and in the end, Selma


erupted, surging toward

the chilling

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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