Alastair asked, “How peculiar. Could it be possible that you passed Lunarius Palace’s illusion array?”

Jared answered honestly, “Of course. I even passed Lunarius Palace’s test. The day after tomorrow, I’ll be heading to the polar region. That’s why I specifically came to Pathfinder Sect to pick up a few items.”

With a sense of regret, Alastair exclaimed, “Why did you shop at Pathfinder Sect? It’s so expensive. Why didn’t you consider going to the underground market instead?”

“An underground market?” Jared was taken aback.

He had no idea there was an underground market in Southedge City.

“Exactly. The items in this underground market may be disorganized, but you can still find some gems. The best part is the affordability and the chance to haggle. Only the information sold by Pathfinder Sect is somewhat reliable. Everything else is subpar.” It appeared that Alastair wasn’t particularly fond of Pathfinder Sect.

“Where is this underground market located?” Jared, who was initially about to leave, suddenly became interested. If I can find some good stuff there, that’d be great.

a glance at Jared, stroking his beard

at all. He immediately took out a purple spirit coin and tossed it to

coin and said, “We’ve known each other for so long. There’s no need for such formalities. I’ll take you there. I know the place like the back of

speaking, he led Jared

long, Alastair led Jared to a

tiny courtyard, there were three Fifth Level Tribulators cultivators, and from the looks of it, those three were

seeing Alastair, a guard playfully remarked, “Alastair, you old brat. Are you here to

guest with me today, a VIP no less. So, keep your eyes peeled.

noted his cultivation level as a Third Level Tribulator. Jared looked rather ordinary, not at all like a scion of

were busy scrutinizing Jared, Jared nonchalantly

for you all,” Jared said

three guards were left dumbfounded as they stared at the

was worth a million ordinary spirit coins. The three guards were shocked to their cores. Who’s

The three guards instantly started treating Jared

told you this is a major client, but you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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