Jared strolled through the market with Alastair. Although the stalls were plentiful, they lacked worthwhile finds.

No sooner had they taken a few steps than they discovered a stall up ahead that was surrounded by a crowd.

“Let’s go. There must be treasures up ahead. Let’s check it out.” Alastair could tell at first glance that the stall ahead must be selling a valuable item.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t have attracted such a crowd.

As soon as Jared and Alastair approached, they heard a flurry of heated discussions among the crowd.

“This black tortoiseshell is fake, isn’t it? This guy claims it can withstand attacks from an elite cultivator. What a joke!”

“It must be true, but suddenly acquiring a dozen or so black tortoiseshells is like hitting the jackpot.”

when combined with charms. For us ordinary cultivators, it’s pretty much useless.

each, they’re not too pricey. The real challenge, however, would be finding a

chatter, his interest was immediately piqued. He hurriedly squeezed his

arranged a dozen or so black tortoiseshells. Astonishingly, those shells were all of the

it. The patterns on the tortoiseshells were distinct, and spiritual energy emanated continuously from within. Jared reckoned those tortoiseshells were

chain mail. However, if one can draw runic talismans and combine them with the black tortoiseshell, it’ll be capable of fending off attacks from elite cultivators. As for how

a million spirit coins for one item was no small sum. Moreover,

they were to hire a high-level charm master to

to maintain a poker face. He was

the stall owner and asked, “If I were to buy

the stall owner asked, looking at

right. I’ll take them all, but your price needs to

stall owner studied Jared, then glanced at his black tortoiseshells and said, “There are thirteen black tortoiseshells here. You can just pay me

spirit coins and handed them

away the thirteen black tortoiseshells

the deal was done, Jared didn’t linger and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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