After a moment of contemplation, Alastair whispered, “I know of an auction, but to enter, each person has to pay a million spirit coins, SO…”

“I’ll pay for you. Bring me there.” Jared fathomed Alastair’s intention. He doesn’t want to spend his money!

After listening to Jared’s response, Alastair beamed with joy and said, “Okay. I’ll take you there right now. I’ve never even entered that place before.”

Alastair navigated through the bustling market with Jared. Eventually, they arrived in front of a grand hall. At the entrance of the hall, two Seventh Level Tribulators stood guard.

Jared was astounded to see the strength of those guards. The more he observed, the more he realized the extraordinary nature of the person running that underground market.

Upon seeing Alastair and Jared arrive, one of the guards extended his hand.

aback. Alastair quickly chimed in, “You

He quickly pulled out two purple spirit

two guards immediately stepped aside. Then, both

an enigmatic aura. The aura, akin to a spiritual energy shield, enveloped the two

brows slightly,

okay. This is to prevent the leakage of our aura. Anyone who enters here isn’t allowed to reveal their aura. Also, we need to alter your appearance a bit. That way, no one will know who anyone is. That’s because there are some items in this auction that are worth a fortune. This is done to ensure the safety of the buyers. After all, it would be dangerous

explained the

This is also to prevent the inevitable conflicts that will arise when multiple people vie for the same item. The final buyer will undoubtedly become a target. However, if the buyer’s identity remains unknown and even

into the hall, which was already filled with numerous

certain whether those cultivators

a spot toward the back

few more cultivators gradually made

were shut, and the entire hall was enveloped by

is about to commence. Among you, we have both familiar faces and newcomers, so allow me to go over the rules once again. Here, every item goes to the highest bidder. No one knows who you are, so don’t expect to intimidate others with your status. Whether you’re an ordinary individual or a sect elder, everyone is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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