“Indeed, every capitalist’s blood is tainted.”

A wave of contempt couldn’t help but surge within Jared’s heart!

The individuals capable of running such an underground market and these kinds of auctions were surely driven by the pursuit of wealth!

Since it was all for money, no method was off the table.

Perhaps this was just human nature.

“I’ll offer six million…”

Someone else had raised their hand, offering a bid!

This caused Alastair to slightly furrow his brow, experiencing a twinge in his heart.

However, as he looked at the statue before him, Alastair could only raise his hand again and say, “I bid seven million…”

This time, Alastair was gritting his teeth as he made his bid. If he wasn’t extremely fond of it, there was no way he would have continued to *raise the price!

“I offer eight million…”

and then once

were wide open in surprise. Just as he was about to raise

nearly dragged Alastair

In a hushed voice, Jared said, “Stop bidding.


Alastair was greatly surprised.

glances. Alastair quickly lowered his voice

Once spiritual energy is channeled into it, the array runes will activate, emitting a light similar to holy

hearing this, Alastair looked at Jared with a skeptical expression. However, he

waiting for him to make an offer. However, after waiting for a while and seeing that Alastair was not bidding, Wilson had no choice but to announce loudly, “Since no one else is

had finished speaking, Wilson cast a

clear that Alastair stopped

Rather, he was a bit puzzled. How did Jared know that his statue was a fake without revealing any aura or using any

out just

at all that Jared had used Nethersky Eye

and ends, from incomplete cultivation techniques,

that most of it

to fervently bid

time, their aura was confined and, frankly, they were as good as blind. They couldn’t even spot a fake, let alone discern

it was for safety reasons. It seemed this auction was nothing but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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