The bones had turned as translucent as jade, completely devoid of any discernible aura.

“Wilson, what are you doing with this piece of arm bone?”

“This isn’t a treasure either!”

“This stuff, it’s everywhere in Demonia Mountain, people die every day.”

Upon seeing the items that were brought out, everyone immediately became somewhat displeased!

It was obvious that Wilson had played a trick on them by showcasing an inconspicuous arm bone.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is no ordinary human bone. This is a fragment of an arm bone from a powerful supreme being. I’ve tested it already, and this piece of bone is incredibly hard. It can destruct anything. It’s not out of the question that it could be forged into a handy weapon,” Wilson introduced.

“Give it a rest, who are you trying to fool? We’ve seen the aftermath of the Celestial Battle and the bodies of the immortals.”

“Such corpses were found everywhere in the Celestial Battlefield. What use were these stark white bones? Hah, and you even talked about making them into weapons!”

would be foolish enough to use a piece of bone

within Demonia Mountain, the former Celestial Battlefield, countless immortals had fallen.

celestial realm, it didn’t hold much value

understand,” Wilson said. “You didn’t notice that this piece of bone has already turned into jade. If you don’t want to use it as a

fervently speaking, trying his best

really would say anything to make a buck, even suggesting grinding bones into powder to make tea. You might

at the piece of arm bone. Despite its transformation into jade, which gave

desired those fallen immortal bones, they were everywhere on the ground at the

the value, Wilson let out a small sigh, ready to take down the

Demon Lord in Jared’s consciousness field said in a trembling voice.

what do you need this for? Surely, you’re not planning

my own arm bone. To think that after all these years, my remains still exist. If all of my bones can be found, my reincarnation will be a

hint of excitement and disbelief in his

was taken aback. He hadn’t anticipated that this fragment of an arm bone could

this a bit

you be so sure these are

somewhat hard to

is touch that arm bone. Only then can I

Demon Lord

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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