Upon seeing Jared’s bid, the cultivator frowned.

The other cultivators also turned their gaze towards Jared. Just a moment ago, Jared had spent money to purchase those arm bones, and, at that moment, he was gunning for the hand fan. Thus, everyone thought he must be quite wealthy!

Wilson had given Jared more than just a few glances. He hadn’t realized that Jared was so wealthy!

“My friend, I really fancy this hand fan. I hope you could let me have it!” The lean cultivator wanted Jared to give up.

It seemed he had no more money left. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have voluntarily suggested that Jared should stay away!

However, Jared had no intention of parting with it. Possessing that hand fan could fend off the attacks from Top Level Tribulator cultivators. For Jared, it was a matter of life and death!

“Sorry, the rule is that the highest bidder wins. You’re free to make a higher offer!” Jared shook his head!

The cultivator’s eyes slightly narrowed in response. Immediately after, an intimidating aura burst from him, directly tearing apart the array runes enveloping his body!

and aura of the cultivator were

reveal himself. He was a Ninth Level Tribulator

friend, I am Leighton of the Mueller family. If you could consider our request, my family and I would be eternally grateful.” After Leighton finished speaking, astonishingly, a flame rose from his

was only the Mueller family

dared to break their shield, revealing their true appearance

even Wilson probably

the Mueller family is

probably concede. After all, having the Mueller family owe

cultivators were engaged

his eyes. He had killed Keiran and, suddenly, there were members of the

Jared, which was why he tried to

he would have taken action against Jared a long

but he didn’t voice his discontent. After all, the Mueller family was considered

Mueller family was the price to pay for

all depended on whether Jared would be willing to let

on Jared. Even Alastair subtly tugged at the corner of Jared’s clothing,

the money, then bring it out. The highest bidder wins. I have no objections. However, if you’re planning to use your power to oppress others, I’m not playing along with that game.”

astounded as they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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