Alastair, on the other hand, was standing off to the side, watching Jared with a cold sweat covering his entire body!

He was well aware of what Jared was capable of. He’s only a Third Level Tribulator cultivator, yet he has the gall to speak to a Ninth Level Tribulator cultivator like that! Is he courting death?

Suppressing the anger welling up within him, Leighton addressed Jared. “Brat, show me what you’ve got. Let’s see if you have the chops to back up your words!”

If Jared truly possessed the cultivation level of a Ninth Level Tribulator cultivator, perhaps Leighton would have been more restrained.

“Why should I show off my abilities? Flaunting my wealth is enough. If you’re capable, outbid me. If you’re out of money, then stop chattering away here!” Jared stated bluntly!

He had nearly been killed by Selma, so naturally, he would not be polite when dealing with the Mueller family!

“Brat, you’re asking for trouble…” Unable to hold back any longer, Leighton instantly moved toward Jared, his claw slashing through the air.

He was trying to push Jared into action. In doing so, Jared’s aura would be exposed, revealing the latter’s true strength!

as Jared was about to make his move, a figure suddenly stepped in front

roar, two forces collided in an instant, causing the void to tremble. The entire house collapsed in a blink of an

everyone had put up vanished. Their true

cultivators, so the collapse of the house didn’t result in any casualties. However, the auction was definitely not

realizing he only possessed the power of a Third Level Tribulator

Third Level Tribulator cultivator could utter such arrogant words and stand his ground

they wondered if Jared had a powerful

aback when he

couldn’t believe he had been played by a Third Level Tribulator

you can do me a favor and refrain from

glaring fiercely at Jared. “Brat, I’ll be waiting for you outside. Let’s see if you can

already seen Jared’s true face, he was not

his perspective, a Third Level Tribulator cultivator could be squashed like a bug with

After all, Wilson was a Top Level Tribulator cultivator, whom he

his sleeve,

to Jared, who, in turn, happily

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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