The following morning, Nieva summoned the dozen or so holy maidens before awaiting Jared’s arrival. Jared slowly emerged from his room, his face bearing traces of fatigue.

Seeing that, Nieva asked, “Mr. Chance, didn’t you get a good rest?”

“It was all right!” Chen said, flashing a nonchalant smile.

Last night, he had spent the entire night pondering over his women, trying to figure out who his true love was.

“You can set off now. There shouldn’t be any danger along the way. Yesterday, Yuliya and her fellow outer circle disciples, along with the cultivators who passed the evaluation, have already embarked on their journey. I had them leave markers along the way. All you need to do is follow these markers, and there shouldn’t be any risks!” Nieva said to Jared.

Jared nodded, understanding that those outer circle disciples were merely cannon fodder, the vanguard paving the way!

However, this was an inevitable circumstance. The growth of a sect always demanded sacrifices.

After bidding farewell to Nieva, Jared set off with Bianca and the rest.

Nonetheless, the direction

in chaos, was now visible. Could it be possible that the polar region was concealed within

chaos is about five hundred kilometers away,” Bianca explained to

yet so far”

in reality, it was still

the path had already been cleared for them, Jared and his group were able to move quickly

far from Lunarius Palace, the members of the Mueller

the people from Lunarius Palace have already

then you can take action. Get the job done efficiently, and don’t leave any loose ends. Not a single survivor should be left. Otherwise, we’ll be handing Lunarius Palace something to hold against us,” Selma said

“Understood, Ms. Selma.”

a nod, then with a wave of his hand, he led

polar region, several groups of people were also heading toward the polar

with such allure present, many people were hoping for a

in an unusual black robe,

other than Pablo, who had been injured by Jared

was injured and escaped from Demonia Sect, he took some time to recover from his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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