At that moment, Jared was still on the arduous journey with the holy maidens, completely unaware that so many people were heading toward the same destination.

Their journey had been quite relaxed so far, and they were getting closer and closer to the polar region.


Suddenly, Jared, who was leading the way, furrowed his brow.

“Mr. Chance, what’s wrong?”

Bianca stepped forward, voicing her confusion.

Others had already taken this path ahead of time, so there shouldn’t be any danger. She didn’t understand why Jared had decided to stop.

“Do any of you smell the scent of blood?” Jared asked.

Bianca shook her head. “No.”

The other holy maidens also shook their heads as none of them had detected the scent of blood. Jared gently closed his eyes, spreading out his spiritual sense.

In an instant, his spiritual sense enveloped a few kilometers around him.

any danger, nor were

in the air,


shouldn’t be any issues, right? After all, someone already scouted ahead yesterday,” Bianca

way, everyone create some distance


complied with Jared’s order, spreading out

one of the holy maidens suddenly let out a loud


holy maiden had slipped in the snow. Annoyed, she

see a rigid hand

seeing that, everyone instantly tensed. Jared, in particular, leaped swiftly to the side of the

his palm, unleashing a wave of heat that instantly melted the

of a

help but

at the woman’s now stiffened corpse, examining the marks on the body. It was clear that she had died

on here?” Bianca asked, her

aura erupted from him, setting off gusts

whipped into a blizzard by the fierce winds. Swiftly, the accumulated snow was swept away, revealing the rigid bodies

strewn haphazardly all over

were outer circle disciples from Lunarius Palace, as well as those

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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