After hearing this, Jared fell into a brief silence. Then, with a wave of his hand, he commanded, “Let’s move quickly through here, and no one is allowed to touch the bodies!”

Jared’s words caused the holy maidens to feel nervous and tense. However, they all heeded him.

Just as Jared and his companions had taken a few steps forward, suddenly, the ground shook violently.

Then, not far from the snow-capped mountains ahead, plumes of snow mist rose high into the sky. Five demon beasts were charging toward them at an incredible speed!

These demon beasts moved at an impressive speed, stirring up trails of snow mist beneath their feet, truly reminiscent of clouds.

“Snow-cloud beasts! They really are snow-cloud beasts. We’re in trouble now.”

Upon seeing the situation, Bianca’s expression changed drastically.

The other holy maidens too, turned pale, instantly conjuring their frost swords in their hands.

we’ve already encountered such a formidable demon

reached Jared and his companions. These beasts were massive in size, each resembling a small hill. Their bodies were blanketed with thick layers of snow, allowing them to evade the

wonder Jared hadn’t detected any signs of life earlier,

by the heavy snowfall, making them utterly

emanated an icy chill, their nostrils exhaling a mist

were covered in thick fur, which was frosted over,

its piercing gaze over everyone. It let out a series of roars from its mouth, as if it

what should we

was somewhat

were numerous, the snow-cloud beasts were simply too

was an Eighth Level Tribulator, demon beast, while the other four were Seventh Level Tribulator demon

snow-cloud beasts to me,” Jared declared. “As for the remaining four, you guys can decide among yourselves how to divide them. There are over a dozen of you, so handling four Seventh Level Tribulator demon beasts

Bianca said with a

they had heard that dealing with these snow-cloud beasts

swiftly hurling himself toward the leader

shivered, cracks appearing in succession. The deafening

“Roar all you want!”

beast. The immense body

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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