Bianca gritted her teeth. Despite their numerical advantage, the four beasts they faced were not to be underestimated. Their skin was tough, their bodies seemingly impenetrable, and they appeared to possess an inexhaustible strength.

If things continued this way, even if they weren’t killed by the beasts, they’d surely die from sheer exhaustion!

“Everyone, stay strong! Our only chance of victory lies in unity. If we fall into chaos now, no one will be able to escape when the time comes. We’ll all be doomed!” Bianca shouted at the others.

In truth, these holy maidens were aware that if they fell into chaos now and retreated, they would surely be slaughtered by these snow- cloud beasts.

“Let’s give it our all!”


One by one, the holy maidens cried out, their eyes gleaming red as they pushed their bodies to their utmost potential.

Their frost swords radiated waves of sword energy, which then converged together.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The group of holy maidens unleashed their full potential, each blast of their sword energy fiercely striking the bodies of the snow-cloud beasts.

roared, continuously releasing gusts of icy breath from their mouth.

based techniques, so they naturally resisted the frost attacks of

any other technique, they would have probably

each of their sword strikes was imbued with frost energy, so they couldn’t inflict

parties naturally possessed

her companions were in a tense standoff with the four demon beasts,

weak against fire! Use this demonic fire to attack them!” Jared yelled at Bianca

summoned by Jared. Even while engaged in battle with an Eighth Level

have fire on our side

dozen or so holy maidens unleashed their

gathered above their heads by flowing along the dozen frost

ball of demonic fire was enveloped within this white spiritual energy. Immediately after, this ball of spiritual energy rapidly headed toward the four snow-cloud


in front of the four demon beasts. Following this, a wave of intense heat swept out, a sea of flames instantly

pain, and the scent of

quickly raised her voice to order, “This is

maidens simultaneously wielded their frost swords. Countless streams


the agonized screams of the snow- cloud beasts ceased

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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