Bianca and the others also gathered up the beast cores of the other four snow-cloud beasts.

The beast core of such an extremely rare demon beast was indeed highly valuable!

“All right, let’s get moving quickly. We shouldn’t stay here too long. However, we need to stay alert for the journey ahead!” Jared spoke to the multitude of holy maidens.

After all, there was no one scouting ahead anymore, so it was uncertain what dangers still lay ahead.

Bianca and the others nodded in agreement, then proceeded forward with Jared.

Not long after Jared and his group had left, Leighton, along with the Mueller family members, arrived on the scene.

Upon seeing the bodies scattered all around, everyone in the Mueller family felt a chill run down their spines.

A member of the Mueller family addressed Leighton, saying, “Uncle Leighton, these are all bodies of Lunarius Palace disciples, along with those wandering cultivators who were deceived into coming here. I’m afraid not a single one of them survived.”

brow slightly furrowed, his expression turning

reached the polar region. They must have encountered something terrifying, or perhaps, a demon

happened that resulted in so

stay alert,” he

pressed on. It didn’t take long before they

“These are snow-cloud beasts!”

everyone in the

of demon beast hadn’t been seen for many years. Some even claimed

many snow-cloud beasts were slain, and their beast cores taken. Could it be the work of the holy maidens from Lunarius

snow-cloud beasts, feeling an unexpected surge

maidens of Lunarius Palace and Jared, then

that Ms. Selma was correct in her guess. Nieva of Lunarius Palace has been quietly grooming the holy maidens, most likely intending to challenge our Mueller family. Despite relying on us to start

lineage has been thriving for a millennium, while Lunarius Palace is merely in its infancy. After this trip to

gestured with his hand, signaling everyone to move

were completely unaware that members of the Mueller family were trailing behind them as

reach the polar region, surprisingly,

evidently fresh. Had they been made much earlier, they would have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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