“It’s her. She’s actually still alive…”

Jared reeled back his spiritual sense, his face etched with profound shock. He hadn’t expected that Yuliya would actually succeed in escaping from the snow-cloud beasts.

“Mr. Chance, who is it?” Bianca hurriedly asked.

“The person in charge of your Lunarius Palace’s registration office in Southedge City, Yuliya,” Jared said.

“Yuliya! She’s actually still alive?”

Upon hearing this, Bianca seemed somewhat agitated.

“Let’s hurry. We have to stop her before she enters the polar region. Given her current condition, she’ll definitely die if she ventures there.”

After Jared finished speaking, his figure suddenly vanished.

He had used Blazing Stride to travel several kilometers away in the blink of an eye.

Upon seeing that, Bianca and the others hurriedly chased after him.

hot on her heels, leaving her no choice but to grit

behind her was drawing closer and closer. Left with no choice, Yuliya abruptly


sky, showing how

easily defused her

Liemann, it’s me,” Jared quickly

recognizing Jared, Yuliya immediately breathed a sigh of relief. However, she was unaware that Jared had come

“What brought you here?”

Jared’s capabilities, venturing into the

cross the territory of


and her

Bianca and the

However, with this relaxation, all she felt was a

now that Bianca and the others had arrived, Yuliya finally allowed herself

to examine Yuliya, then said with his expression serious, “Her injuries are severe. She

“Mr. Chance, we’re about to enter the polar region and are surrounded by nothing but snow. We don’t have the conditions to provide

we delay any longer,

his own aura, he

This collective aura formed a protective shield, safeguarding

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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