Dozen or so holy maidens stood on either side. Jared was in the middle, holding Yuliya in his arms.

As Jared waved his hand, an arcane array materialized out of thin air.

This way, they could conceal their aura, making it impossible for those who were trailing behind to find them.

Observing the frail state of Yuliya, Jared started to undress her.

Seeing that, many of the holy maidens felt a wave of awkwardness wash over them.

Bianca was somewhat puzzled. “Mr. Chance, why do you need to remove Yuliya’s clothes to treat her injuries?”

After all, Jared was a man, and it seemed somewhat inappropriate for him to undress Yuliya.

Jared glanced at Bianca, then said, “You touch her…”

Intrigued, Bianca reached out and lightly touched Yuliya, only to quickly retract her hand in the next instant.

“She’s so hot…”

if Yuliya was on fire. She wasn’t just having a fever, she was burning

her vital organs and

in confusion. “Yuliya also practices frost techniques. If she continues to burn like this, I’m

to travel such a great distance, which is why she ended

by it should be covered in frost, shouldn’t

because the frost energy damaged it, the body would desperately emit heat to maintain the functioning of the

undressed Yuliya until she was left

reassured by the presence

was physical contact,

After spreading out his spiritual sense for a

numerous individuals from various sects and families arrived at the polar region. Immediately afterward, they transformed into streaks of light, dashing

Jared was tending to Yuliya’s injuries, he was also closely monitoring the movements

and families had arrived

this trip to the polar region was not as simple

the inherent dangers of the polar region, they also had to be on guard against the Mueller family. Now, they even had to be wary

was way

was one advantage to having a crowd. The more people there were in the polar region, the more chaotic it would be.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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