Yuliya glanced at Jared, then slowly began to dress herself.

“Do I really have to be naked to get treated?” Yuliya muttered.

Jared didn’t offer any explanations. Instead, he simply said, “Let’s get going…”

Bianca was right behind Yuliya, explaining, “Yuliya, you were burning up just now. We had no choice but to remove your clothes to cool you down; otherwise, your body would have been scorched. I can assure you, Mr. Chance didn’t do anything to you. He simply helped treat you and we all witnessed it.”

Upon listening to Bianca’s words, Yuliya realized she might have been a bit too emotional earlier. She quietly said to Jared, “Thank you…”

However, Jared did not pay her any mind and walked straight ahead.

Everyone followed Jared, heading deep into the polar region.

Several groups had already moved ahead, hence Jared and his team had to hasten their pace to search for viable resources in the polar region.

Jared walked at a brisk pace, forcing Bianca and the others to take turns supporting Yuliya in order to keep up with him quickly.

constantly on high alert. He was so attuned to his surroundings that he could detect any danger in the vicinity almost

dim, Jared and his companions hadn’t encountered any danger,

that Yuliya was struggling to keep going, Jared finally

then promptly arranged for the holy maidens to stand guard

on the other hand, had collapsed to

the immortal’s tomb. I didn’t feel any

around, feeling somewhat puzzled

the immortal’s tomb, then there would undeniably be remnants of celestial energy. Moreover, the weapons wielded by the immortals and the various magical items they

energy here should be much more

hadn’t sensed even a hint

confused. Is this polar region really the


Vermilion Demon Lord began to

It’s clear that

why Nieva would deceive

tomb, why

Jared was utterly astonished.

didn’t you notice the chaotic energy here? Even the entire space seems distorted. The magnetic field here is incredibly strong.

his brows and leaped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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