Jared’s arrogance made Leighton’s face turn red. However, even in his anger, he wasn’t foolish.

He knew Jared was up to something.

Upon seeing Leighton hesitate, Jared taunted him even further, “What’s the matter? Are you scared? I thought the Mueller family was supposed to be impressive. I see you’re all just cowards. I’ll have you know that it was I who killed Keiran, the esteemed eldest heir of the Mueller family. Back then, he even knelt before me, begging for his life.”

Jared was provoking all the members of the Mueller family.

Listening to Jared’s mockery of the Mueller family, Bianca and the others gradually relaxed.

Leighton clenched his fists tightly, yet he didn’t charge forward. Two members of the Mueller family, however, simply couldn’t hold back anymore.

“How dare you humiliate the Mueller family! You’re courting death…”

Two experts from the Mueller family launched themselves at Jared. Just as the two of them leaped over the crevice, a sudden surge of intense aura burst forth from the crevice.

The two experts from the Mueller family were instantaneously obliterated, their disintegrated forms tumbling into the crevice.

time, a series

echoed from within

that there would be creatures still surviving within

from a demon

fury when he witnessed

We’ve been fooled!

aware that this crevice can’t be easily crossed, which is why he deliberately

is allowed to cross this crevice. There’s something strange within it,”

decided to simply ignore him. He directed Bianca and the

to be creatures living within the crevice created by your

I know? It’s been thousands of years. It’s not

question further. However, he was certain that any

with Bianca and the others, continued to move forward along the

but watch and clench his

crevice? They couldn’t have possibly gone around


left with the

moment, a team of a hundred people made their

was the largest team to have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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