Heinrik had heard that the immortal’s tomb was in the polar region and it was abundant with treasures. This was what lured the Five Great Sects to come.

Swayed by the allure of the treasure and boosted by his own increased strength, Lauden had nothing to fear. Thus, he decided to join in.

“Mr. Delacroix, how could I possibly deceive you? We have mobilized so many people and journeyed such a long distance. If I were to lie, how could I continue to stay within the Five Great Sects in the future? I heard quite some time ago that the local sects from around here have already made their way to the polar region. We must be the last ones to arrive. However, the polar region is vast. Finding the exact location of the immortal’s tomb won’t be easy,” Heinrik quickly said.

“Let’s pick up our pace then and try to avoid any conflicts with people from other sects and prestigious families. Also, try your best to avoid encounters with the Demonic Cultivators. After all, this is the southern region, where Demonic Cultivators are aplenty,” Lauden advised the crowd.

Everyone nodded. They were here to hunt for treasures and not to take lives.

As long as there were no conflicts of interest, there was no need for any physical confrontation.

Lauden took the lead, scouting the path ahead, while Heinrik tagged along behind, exchanging glances with the leaders of Celestial Moon Sect and Celestial Sun Sect, Stuart and Edward respectively.

subtly lowered his head, as if he hadn’t seen anything at all. He seemed to be intimidated

of treasures, but because

had also instilled a heightened sense of urgency

Lauden was due

advanced to Ninth Level Tribulator. If he managed to defeat them all and drive them out of the

in him tricking Lauden into the polar region. This place was far from the headquarters of

perfect opportunity

had been standing with Lauden,

making a move on Lauden was that they, like Heinrik, were also after the treasures at

they found the treasures, they would make

classic case of killing two birds with one

danger he was in, Lauden continued to

crevice, they encountered and slaughtered several demon beasts along the way. Their journey was fruitful,

of Lunarius Palace, these polar stones were merely a drop

it took nearly a full

they saw the end in sight, they breathed a sigh of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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