The holy maidens rested in a mountain cave. Jared simply sat down at the mouth of the cave, allowing the wind and snow to batter against his body.

Even now, the night in the polar region was as luminous as daylight. The moonlight reflected off the white snow, casting an intensely radiant glow.

Jared activated his spiritual sense, then quietly closed his eyes. He wasn’t cultivating. Instead, he was constantly pondering about what exactly was inside the chaos dimension.

Those white wolves could traverse through that chaos dimension, but humans simply couldn’t.

Just as he was lost in thought, he suddenly furrowed his brows. He sensed a familiar presence, elusive yet undeniable.

Given the circumstances, there was only one plausible explanation: The distance was too great, and Jared’s spiritual sense wasn’t able to discern clearly.

Jared slowly rose to his feet, moving in the direction from which the aura was emanating. Several miles away from the cave where Jared and his group were resting, Pablo was atop a woman.

The woman was none other than Yuliya, who had left Jared and the others.

Pablo had set out to search for treasures and resources in the polar region. However, despite spending a considerable amount of time searching, he found absolutely nothing.

who came here belonged to various prestigious sects and families, arriving in groups. He was the

region, he made sure to avoid any contact

feeling utterly dejected deep within. But

beautiful. This instantly

match for

found herself pinned down directly by

dare to lay a finger on me, our head

anything else. He stepped forward and ripped off Yuliya’s


enduring this kind of humiliation was even more unbearable than death

she could just die, but

desperately Yuliya called out, no one

end, Yuliya gave up her struggle, tears trickling down from the

was filled with

Why did I leave?

I hadn’t left and had stayed with Jared and the others, none

undressed, and Pablo was on the verge of

ashamed of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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