Pablo looked at Jared, his eyes filled with fear. In the Celestial Battlefield, Pablo had had Jared running all over the place.

Yet, in just a little over ten days, the growth of Jared’s strength had grown so much that it scared him.

“Jared, we hold no grudges against each other. Today, I won’t fight you. How about we consider all our past disputes settled?” Pablo asked Jared.

Jared laughed.

“Have you no shame? When I was weaker than you, you chased me down like a dog without its master. Now that I’m stronger than you, you want to just wipe the slate clean? How can you be so shameless? Did you learn to be shameless in the Demon Devouring Cave?”

Jared couldn’t help but ridicule Pablo relentlessly.

“Kid, if you’re going to scold him, leave me out of it. I didn’t teach him anything. He learned everything by himself in that cave.”

In Jared’s consciousness field, Vermilion Demon Lord expressed his extreme dissatisfaction.

Pablo felt his face redden, but he still managed to suppress his anger. “Jared, considering your current status, do you really think you can escape if our fight attracts others? You are a walking treasure trove. Many are eyeing for the hundred-year offering from the Demon Seal Alliance…”

threat against Jared,

think I’m afraid?”

off the hook today. So, he stopped talking, and a palpable tension started

a battle was inevitable, he decided to fight with all his might. Perhaps there was still

eyes revealed a hint of disdain when he saw that Pablo was ready

he had suffered in the Celestial Battlefield. Yuliya was incredibly tense as she sensed the

“If we work together, we might just have a chance to

now, begging me not to hit him? Given your current state, can you

cast a

that Jared particularly disliked her, but he didn’t exactly hold

to the demise of two holy maidens, a

Yuliya fell into silence.

clothed at the moment. If she were to move, she would undoubtedly

conversation with Yuliya, Pablo

perfect opportunity. He could take Jared

an astonishing aura, casually releasing waves of black mists that seemed to tear through the very fabric of the

and Dark Demon Armor

was to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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