Jared had been fiddling with the Penta-Color Stone for a good hour, yet he still couldn’t figure out its significance.

It was important to note that what had been passed down from the Five Great Sects couldn’t possibly be just a useless rock.

However, Jared was clueless about the purpose of this stone.

“Mr. Chance, what are you looking at?”

Yuliya walked over and took a seat next to Jared.

Jared glanced at Yuliya but remained silent. He still held some reservations toward her because he didn’t like her.

Looking at Jared’s expression, Yuliya took the initiative to say, “Mr. Chance, I’m truly sorry. Due to my ignorance and willfulness these past few days, I’ve caused a loss for the holy maiden. Thank you for saving me. I realize now that I had some prejudice against you!”

Yuliya sincerely apologized, realizing at that moment the extraordinary nature of Jared.

Had it not been for Jared, not to mention her, even these holy maidens might not have located these polar stones, let alone survived up until then.

bring up the

sincere apology, Jared chose not

was not inherently bad

asked, “Mr. Chance, I see that

what is inside, but I simply can’t discover anything!” Jared uttered and handed over the Penta-Color Stone to

Penta-Color Stone and immediately

was tossed onto the ground by

ground was blanketed with a thick layer of snow and ice. Yet, when the Penta-Color Stone

as he

perplexed, wondering how Yuliya could claim that the

hand closer, but she quickly pulled away the moment she

feel the heat wave from within this stone.

Back then, when Mr. Delacroix gave it to me, it didn’t seem like he mentioned anything about it

hand and cast his eyes to the scorch marks on the ground. The ground is covered in ice and snow, yet it could

ever tried to see if this stone would change when exposed to fire?” Yuliya

felt it might be worth a shot. Thus, within his palm, a demonic fire began to blaze.

causing the previously radiant glow on the stone to start dimming until it

the Penta-Color Stone astonishingly transformed into a deep, dark

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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