Jared paused and hastily asked, “Mr. Vermilion, do you recognize this object? Have you remembered something?”

Vermilion Demon Lord merely shook his head and replied, “Even though I’ve lost my memory, I recognize this. It’s Fire Spirit Lord’s demonic fire soul essence.”

“The contents here are the five types of demonic fire, and it belonged to Fire Spirit Lord. How did it end up in Ethereal Realm? Could it be that this fellow has visited Ethereal Realm before?”

Upon hearing Vermilion Demon Lord’s words, Jared understood what was going on. Fire Spirit Lord had visited Ethereal Realm during the Celestial Battle. Hence, it’s highly plausible that his belongings could be found here!

Jared held the demonic fire soul essence in his hand, his heart profoundly shaken.

He had never imagined that there could be so many types of demonic fire.

The nascence star flickered, as Jared desired to absorb the demonic fire within this soul essence. He was certain it could significantly enhance his own fire nascence.

Yet, no sooner had Jared had a thought than the fire nascence power surged in like a roaring flood, rushing into his soul essence.

his soul essence began to gradually become more evident,


shock surged through Jared’s heart, and he


your mind? You, a mere Tribulator, dare to think about absorbing Fire Spirit Lord’s demonic fire soul essence?” Vermilion Demon Lord asked in

head. He merely wanted to give it a shot, but he hadn’t expected this demonic fire soul essence to be so

Seems like it’s pretty useless…”

utterly useless to him. Seeing Jared remain silent for quite

beast’s core… It’s rather useless,” Jared

demonic fire soul essence, it was likely that

sound of something

“Someone’s approaching…”

brows furrowed, instantly putting

situation, Yuliya roused all the resting

lurked around every corner, so it was vital to stay vigilant at all

but feel puzzled. In theory, within this polar region, due to the influence of the magnetic field, no matter who the cultivator is, they simply can’t maintain long, swift flights. However, the sound that’s being emitted now is clearly that of rapid flight, the sound

disheveled as it headed

was extremely vigilant, his spiritual sense fully alert. He then quickly held the Dragonslayer

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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