Jared hurriedly approached. Looking at the state of Keelan, he asked in puzzled curiosity, “Mr. Cervantes, what happened to you? How did you end up like this?”

At this moment, Keelan could no longer hold on. As he fell from mid-air, his aura was extremely frail.

As Keelan’s soul remnant was on the verge of dissipating, Jared reached into his Storage Ring and pulled out the Soulbinding Bead.

That was a gift from Soul Demon Sect’s Trystan, and it was finally coming in handy.

After the Soulbinding Bead was brought out, Keelan’s soul remnant clearly began to stabilize. His aura was also slowly recovering. It must be said that the Soulbinding Bead of Soul Demon Sect was truly a remarkable item.

“Mr. Cervantes, calm down. Can you slowly explain what happened?” Jared urged Keelan not to worry, continuously infusing spiritual energy into Keelan’s soul remnant.

the aura that Keelan had expended,

trapped. In the end, I had to sacrifice my physical body to allow this soul remnant to escape. Hurry and go save Mr. Delacroix and the others. If you’re late, they might not survive!”

surprise attack?” Jared was puzzled. In theory, the Five Great Sects are all renowned clans. Who would dare to ambush them? Moreover, considering Mr. Delacroix is already a Ninth Level Tribulator, who would dare

Sect. I didn’t expect these Demonic Cultivators to have made it to the polar region

Jared’s brow furrowed slightly. He was unfamiliar with

Yuliya voiced her confusion by asking, “Lethal Spirit Sect? Didn’t that sect get annihilated by the Demon Seal Alliance long ago? It should have been many years. How

supposedly eradicated by the Demon Seal Alliance years ago, has actually persisted all this while. Our Five Great Sects have been tracking Lethal Spirit Sect

to the polar region, let alone set up an ambush for us. Previously, these

Demonic Cultivator sects that were annihilated by the Demon Seal Alliance had no choice but to submit. Those who were willing to comply essentially became the Demon Seal Alliance’s lapdogs! And those

had already uncovered the

knew that dealing with the Five Great Sects, the Demon Seal Alliance wouldn’t dare to make such a massive move, even risking the exposure of Lethal Spirit

was eradicated by the Demon Seal Alliance. If they were to appear on a large scale then, it would certainly raise suspicions. People

all of Lethal Spirit

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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