If the enemy was only Lethal Spirit Sect and wasn’t particularly strong, Jared could venture a rescue. However, if their power was too formidable, he would never let the holy maidens risk themselves.

These holy maidens were the foundation upon which Lunarius Palace was built. Nieva had even entrusted Jared with their care. Jared couldn’t afford to let them take any risks.

“Though Lethal Spirit Sect arrived with a hundred members, there were only two elders leading them. Both of them are Eighth Level Tribulators. If not for their surprise attack using Lethal Spirit Array, we wouldn’t have been afraid. But now, Mr. Delacroix and the others are trapped within the arcane array, facing danger at any moment,” Keelan uttered.

Upon hearing this, Jared couldn’t help but let a small smile play at the corners of his mouth. The presence of two Eighth Level Tribulators leading the team suggested that the Demon Seal Alliance had indeed underestimated him. How dare they send two elders who are Eighth Level Tribulatorsafter me? However, this is actually a good thing. The more the Demon- Sealing Alliance underestimates me, the safer I am!

“Bianca, you and everyone else wait here,” he commanded. “Without my orders, no one is to go anywhere. I’m going to rescue Mr. Delacroix!” Jared said to Bianca.

“Mr. Chance, we’re coming with you. Ms. Nieva instructed us to ensure your safety!” Bianca quickly exclaimed.

It’ll be faster that

had finished speaking, he swiftly grabbed Keelan. Activating his Blazing Stride, he vanished in an

exchanged bewildered glances with the others, at a loss for

they were hesitating, Jared had already disappeared. They couldn’t catch up

couldn’t help but be dumbfounded. He knew that within this polar region, there was a

remnant to be released, there would have

it seemed like Jared, along with his physical body, was not affected by

merely a simple flight. Instead, he was using a teleportation magecraft, advancing in a

moment, hundreds of miles away from Jared, an area was shrouded in a thick, black mist. The mist emitted an intense, chilling air, a cold that was even

echoed within the black mist,

constantly changing their forms. The lethal intent

appearing one moment and then disappearing into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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