“Understood!” Cole nodded in agreement.

Swiftly, within the black mist, the assault of the malicious spirit intensified. Seeing the situation, Lauden couldn’t help but yell, “Shield!”

Witnessing the spectacle, dozens of disciples from the Five Great Sects simultaneously unleashed their aura. This created a protective barrier around them, temporarily holding off the onslaught.

They all had to catch their breath. Otherwise, they were truly going to be exhausted to death. There were numerous disciples who were injured, and it was crucial to tend to their wounds as quickly as possible.

It was unfortunate that during this trip, Lauden didn’t bring enough pills. He was utterly incapable of treating his injured disciples.

All they could do was watch as some of the severely injured disciples slowly succumbed to their wounds, dying with a sense of unwillingness.

“Lethal Spirit Sect, if I make it out alive today, I swear I’ll wipe you all out! You despicable cowards, always resorting to sneak attacks!” Lauden roared in frustration.

afraid of these people from Lethal Spirit Sect. He just didn’t expect them to set up an arcane array for an ambush in the polar

He hadn’t anticipated that so many members of Lethal Spirit Sect

Sect’s final trump card. You should feel honored that we’re using it against you now! The Five Great Sects have relentlessly pursued us for years, never willing to let Lethal Spirit Sect be. Today is a good day to put an end to it all.” Ivan laughed scornfully,

shield of Lauden and his team

they were at their wits’ end, genuinely left with

our original intentions, slaying demons and banishing evils. Why must

that voice was drowned out

Jared was hurrying

as if two balls of fire were blazing beneath his

tremble unceasingly, and the entire space

not flying rapidly. Due to the polar environment, it was not suitable for

instantaneously shifting from one side of

just a fleeting tear, the step taken

Keelan was uncertain if his soul remnant could have survived. He feared it would

an extremely high level of physical strength. If not, the body would be torn

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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