Jared knew that to reach the chaotic dimension at the border without bypassing the great crevice, one had to cross over it.

But there was simply no way to cross the crevice, so Jared had to find Lauden before he crossed it.

Otherwise, Lauden might have fallen into the crevice!

Jared’s speed was pushed to the limit!

Meanwhile, Ivan, with disciples from the Lethal Spirit Sect, was chasing after Lauden.

“Damn it, that useless Cole. The arcane array was broken, yet he claimed to have wiped out the disciples of the Five Great Sects. He’s bullshitting. If he really wiped out the disciples of the Five Great Sects, why was the arcane array broken, allowing that guy Lauden to escape? I bet he’s been captured by someone, useless b*stard. Otherwise, why would he use a communication device?”

Ivan cursed continuously, relentlessly pursuing Lauden.

If the arcane array hadn’t been broken, Lauden wouldn’t have been able to escape it, but since it was, Lauden had a chance to flee toward the border.

communication via the communication device, Ivan had already realized

you still reveal our location?” a disciple from

lethal intent. For us, it’s an excellent place for cultivation, but for other cultivators, it’s a deathtrap. I want to lure them all here and

of disciples from the Lethal Spirit Sect all

then swiftly chased after Lauden. He transformed his

at this moment and on the verge of

closer. As long as he crossed it, he would reach the

who entered the chaotic dimension at the border


be caught by the people from the Lethal Spirit Sect. He knew what would happen to him

knew the Lethal Spirit Sect harbored intense hatred toward him. If they killed him, they would surely refine his soul remnant into a malicious spirit at the

case, they could use Lauden’s malicious spirit to massacre all the disciples of

spell complete disaster for the Five

even think about

caught up to

that only Ivan was there and couldn’t help but sneer. “Even in my weakened state, it won’t be so easy for you to catch me. I’m already a Ninth Level Tribulator, while you’re only an Eighth Level Tribulator.

Ivan chuckled, extending his arms, instantly covering the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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