Jared executed the Blazing Stride, and his body disappeared in an instant!

However, just as he was about to reach the area shrouded in black mist, suddenly, hundreds of disciples from the Lethal Spirit Sect rushed out. They had been lying in ambush there all along!

Seeing Jared alone, these people didn’t hesitate at all and all charged toward him.

In the face of the hundreds of disciples from the Lethal Spirit Sect, a flicker of crimson fire appeared in Jared’s gaze.

He knew he couldn’t afford to waste time here because Lauden probably couldn’t hold on much longer.

Jared suddenly leaped into the air, floating in mid-air. Flames surged all over his body!

These Demonic Cultivators from the Lethal Spirit Sect were most afraid of the demonic fire.

As Jared slowly raised his hands, an endless blaze ignited across the entire sky.

Even the air seemed to be on fire.

Waves of intense heat swept across the land, covering a radius of several miles in flames. The thick layers of snow that had accumulated instantly melted and evaporated.

Jared unleashed all the demonic fire within him.

stared at the endless flames, their


flames into one spot, instantly transforming

roared, swooping straight

from the Lethal

burst forth with countless lethal intents, forming an impenetrable shield of black mist

of dark mist had formed, they felt a massive suction force, which instantly drew aw away

opened his mouth, and countless lethal

of the Lethal Spirit

midst of their confusion, the fire dragon had already lunged forward. The intense flames caused the disciples of the

let out

Spirit Sect fled in all

was nowhere

burst of intense flame, more than a dozen disciples

their souls

Lethal Spirit Sect

Keelan and the others had arrived. Witnessing the scene

had stood on Lauden’s side and

thoroughly angered Jared at the

Ivan heard the piercing screams of

of people echoed far and wide. After wiping out the disciples from Lethal Spirit Sect, Jared immediately disappeared

figure soon appeared

energy to summon a horde

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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