Ivan looked at Jared, then glanced at Keelan and the others who were chasing after him. His whole body enveloped in lethal intent, he also leaped into the crevice.

Upon seeing the situation, Jared conjured a demonic fire in his hand and instantly launched it!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Three blazes of demonic fire arrived in an instant!

The demonic fire was extremely fast, to the point where even the void began to distort!

Upon seeing Jared’s demonic fire arriving in an instant, Ivan hastily unleashed a barrier of dark mist to obstruct him!

Though he managed to block the first blaze of demonic fire, he was struck by the second and third blazes of demonic fire!

Flames engulfed Ivan, completely enveloping him!

Ivan screamed, plummeting down into the crevice!

flames on his body quickly

at the bottomless crevice and began

didn’t understand why Lauden and Ivan hadn’t been torn apart by


also slowly

he looked at the crevice before him,

eager to venture into this

what’s inside this big crevice? Why do some people get torn apart by the wind blades

that Cole must know some secrets about this

honestly, “This big crevice is filled with lethal intent. As long as one is enveloped by the lethal intent and falls in, they won’t be torn apart. This was also something we figured out after experimenting

Realization dawned upon Jared.

now, he was enveloped by the

in the same

lethal intent, so he could enter the big

with your disciples. I’ll

spread out, and he jumped directly into the

crevice, he felt countless gusts of wind

body was enveloped by the marked aura, these wind blades didn’t

body was falling rapidly, with the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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