Sure enough, after Jared spread out his spiritual sense, he found Lauden’s figure. At this moment, Lauden was unconscious due to extreme weakness.

Plus, this place was filled with lethal intent everywhere. If one was not a Demonic Cultivator, but merely an ordinary one, one would suffer damage from prolonged exposure to the lethal intent here.

Jared quickly infused a stream of spiritual power into Lauden’s body, bringing him back to consciousness.

“Mr. Chance, where are we?”

Lauden looked surprised to see Jared.

e remembered that he seemed to have jumped into the big crevice, so how did he end up with Jared now?

“Mr. Delacroix, we’re at the bottom of the big crevice. Fortunately, when you jumped down, you were enveloped by the lethal intent; otherwise, you would have been torn apart,” Jared said.

Only then did Lauden notice that they were surrounded by lethal intent. There were bones on the ground.

“What about those people from the Lethal Spirit Sect?” Lauden hurriedly asked.


Spirit Sect is left. He also jumped into this crevice.

Ivan had been hit by his demonic fire

die, he surely

the Five Great

was destroyed, but his remnant soul is still intact and can be reshaped!” Jared

Lauden fell into

that moment, Ivan was injured by the demonic fire. However, he wasn’t

the lethal intent around him, Ivan

long as he absorbed this lethal intent, not only could he recover, but

Ivan began to operate his cultivation technique

lethal intent, so Ivan’s absorption speed was twice

malicious energy was absorbed, Jared instantly


the direction of the lethal intent flow, he

of the Lethal Spirit

us. This place is filled with lethal intent. If we let that guy absorb it recklessly and enhance his own strength, we’ll be

they had to eliminate Ivan

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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