Lauden didn’t expect Jared to have this ability. Surprised, he watched. Jared didn’t emit any trace of the Demonic Cultivator’s aura but could absorb the lethal intent.

This was quite peculiar!

“Stop, this lethal intent is all mine!” Ivan roared, his body turning into a storm of black mist that surged toward Jared.

Seeing this, Lauden was about to intervene but heard Jared say calmly, “Mr. Delacroix, don’t move. Watch me deal with him!”

With that, Jared instantly produced the Demon Flogger in his hand.


As the Demon Flogger cracked loudly, the dark mist was destroyed completely.

Ivan was forced to retreat.

Demon Flogger in your hand?” Ivan

I didn’t expect you to recognize the

that, Jared swung his Demon Flogger toward

hurriedly dodged as he dared not take this whip

you exactly? How can you absorb the lethal intent?

whipped twice by Jared, Ivan also calmed down,

absorb the energy

to believe what he saw. “How is this possible? This marked aura can only be cultivated

it obvious enough?” Jared

frowned. “Are you the

lot of effort to escape and return to the Ethereal Realm. I never thought that my lineage of Elder Hadad would become someone else’s lackey. That’s utterly humiliating!” Jared said

possession? Are you

Ivan was shocked.

Lauden, who was beside them, couldn’t believe it. How had

marked aura be fake? You disciples, not even capable of learning one percent of my essence. All you do is absorb the lethal intent all day. You harm innocent beings, all for that shred of lethal

at Ivan, unleashing a torrent of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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