Chapter 3817 Trampled To Death

When Jared led Bianca and the others toward Polar Mountain, Selma, accompanied by the Mueller family, also made their way toward the peak of that mountain.

Their intention was not to kill the holy maidens but rather to obtain the polar stone mine.

With the chaos currently unfolding, the mountain was fully revealed. They had to rush over as soon as they could.

The sudden appearance of the mountain, coupled with the halo surrounding it, stirred excitement among many who had ventured into the polar regions, leading them eagerly toward it.

After all these days, they hadn’t found the location of the immortal’s tomb. So, when a mountain suddenly appeared, they had to check it out.

Perhaps that was the hidden site of the immortal’s tomb.

In an instant, everyone rushed toward the mountain.

Jared and his group were closest to the chaos dimension, so they proceeded with extreme caution.

The chaos dimension was riddled with turbulent currents, and they possessed a formidable pull. They needed to tread


that if he were to be drawn back into the chaos dimension, there would be no one to save

be present everywhere and at

to know

Nethersky Eye activated, causing everything in front of him to

he could see everything clearly, including the scenes

space twisted, he could still

to Polar Mountain, Jared suddenly sensed an

and growing continuously,

expression, Bianca asked cautiously, “Mr. Chance,

that within the chaos dimension, countless tiny black dots were

was incredibly fast, ceaselessly

view of these

countless demon beasts, all of which had charged forth from the snowfield

something, risking their lives to charge into the chaotic lands,

beasts within the chaos dimension

charging toward Polar Mountain

of Polar Mountain had attracted countless demon beasts. Even though they were separated by the border, they were

the snowfield also used the polar stones as

Jared took a deep breath, his entire demeanor becoming

pace. We’re heading up the mountain

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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