Chapter 3818 Stone Them To Death

After numerous attempts, Jared, along with Bianca and the others, ventured into the arcane array at the foot of the mountain.

Jared had no idea who had set up this formation. However, considering its sheer size and ability to shield an entire mountain, he knew for certain that its creator must be an incredibly powerful array master.

After they stepped into the arcane array, their footsteps became unusually heavy.

Forget about flying, even walking was a challenge.

After all, as an ordinary person, trekking through such mountainous paths, especially ones covered in snow, was undoubtedly exhausting.

Not long after Jared and his group entered the arcane array, they noticed a group of people struggling to make their way not far from them.

These were the Muellers, brought along by Selma.

Upon their encounter, both parties were exceptionally agitated.

and her companions’ eyes were bloodshot with fury. They wished they could

along the way. It was a

killing someone. They even had the audacity

and his group, the Muellers were taken aback momentarily. Then,

to take action

and reduced to mere mortals. Forget about fighting, even walking up this mountain

unable to

let you off

hurl another insult, I’ll strip you of your clothing,” Leighton said with a

absolutely livid. However, they were all girls, so trying to gain the upper hand through

hand, stopping Bianca, not allowing

a few steps forward, his gaze coldly fixed on Leighton. “Do you only remember the good

you forgotten how I beat you

him flashed in Leighton’s mind, igniting a flame of anger within him. “Kid, what makes you so cocky? If you’ve got the guts, try laying a finger

messing with the wrong family. Now, you’ve made yourself a target of the Demon Seal Alliance. What are you still so arrogant about?” Selma spoke,

had killed her nephew, and she had long

them in secret. You have no sense of honor. Today, I’m going to avenge those fallen holy maidens,” Jared declared through

are the same. We’re just ordinary people. We can’t harness our aura within our bodies. How exactly do you plan to seek revenge? Using the stones from the ground?” Selma

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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