Chapter 3819 Bloodied And Battered

Jared’s physical body had been tempered many times in the mundane world, making it as tough as bronze and iron.

Even without a shred of spiritual power and being turned into an ordinary person, Jared’s body was still unmatched by many.

When the stones hit Jared, he felt like being tickled.

However, things were different for people like Leighton and the others. They lived in the celestial realm, focusing on spiritual cultivation and realm advancement, with no emphasis on tempering the physical body.

After all, in the eyes of these cultivators, the physical body was just a shell. If the body was destroyed, as long as the soul remained, the body could be reshaped.

Spending time tempering a shell was highly inappropriate.

Precisely because of this, these individuals were physically no different from ordinary people.

Without the boost of spiritual power, their

bodies might not even be as strong as that of an ordinary person.

the stones in his hand was unerring, continuously hitting

in pain as they


other cultivators entered the scene. Upon witnessing the ridiculous spectacle before them, they

Ethereal Realm teeming with cultivators, such

watching the

come on. Keep it up.” Bianca

unleashed stones upon the Muellers like raindrops with both

to retreat,

this, Selma

be hit by another stone,

out of

Leighton and the others had long wanted to leave. Clutching their heads,

a sorry state feels

didn’t seem overly thrilled. He understood that his physical prowess played a significant role in this, coupled with the constraints of the arcane

these people from the Mueller family, he wasn’t confident of

led the Muellers himself,

Jared might be in

Tribulator and a Ninth Level

Jared stood no chance

many other sect cultivators here. Although they came for the immortal’s tomb, if they couldn’t find

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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