Chapter 3820 Believe It Or Not

“Sir, to be honest, there is no immortal tomb within this polar region. It’s all a lie. Within the polar region, there are many polar stones, but these are only helpful to sects and families practicing ice-based techniques. We, from the Lunarius Palace, practice frost techniques, so we’ve come to search for polar stones. And those Muellers who just passed by, the female cultivators in their family also practice frost techniques, so polar stones are useful to them too! If none of you elders practice frost techniques, it’s better to leave here quickly as it’s too dangerous. It won’t be long before thousands of demon beasts rush in here, and by then, it may be impossible to leave!”

Jared truthfully disclosed this to make these cultivators leave.

After all, for Jared, these cultivators were an unpredictable variable.

Holden furrowed his brows slightly, appearing somewhat shocked.

A junior from the Olsen family clearly didn’t believe Jared’s words and loudly retorted, “How is that possible? Are you trying to deceive us and monopolize the treasures of the immortal’s tomb? There are many sects and families who have come to the polar region, numbering in the hundreds. Are you saying they were all deceived?”

“Believe it or not, I’m just telling the truth!”

After Jared finished speaking, he turned around and walked away.

“This guy thinks he can scare us off like this!”

appeared suddenly must have treasures within it. Maybe this is where the

believes what he says? There are arcane arrays protecting this mountain. I don’t believe there are

go up

words and began

moment but still chose

a few demon beasts and obtaining some beast cores, they

return, wouldn’t they be the laughingstock of

Jared said was true, they decided to head up the mountain to see

as they had taken a few steps, suddenly, the ground shook


it an earthquake?” someone exclaimed

in the chaos dimension, countless demon beasts of various kinds rushed out,

all incredibly large, and there were so many of

disrupted by these demon beasts, causing continual emergence of

suck in some demon

did nothing to halt the advance of these demon

the countless demon beasts, everyone was utterly dumbfounded. It seemed that Jared was telling the

of all spiritual

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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