Chapter 3823 An Abundance Of Beast Cores

“Thunder Palm!”

A massive palm slowly took shape, crackling with lightning as it descended with thunderous force. Bolts of lightning struck the demon beasts, instantly reducing them to ashes.

Many cultivators were quite astonished by Jared’s Thunder Palm.

Now that they had regained their spiritual power, they could discern Jared’s cultivation level.

He was merely a Third Level Tribulator, yet the power he demonstrated was truly astonishing.

Bianca and her companions were also fervently battling the demon beasts.

They were simply at the forefront, facing a horde of demon beasts that fearlessly charged at them. This relentless onslaught left Bianca and her companions feeling incredibly overwhelmed.

When Jared saw the situation, his nascence star flickered. He used the illusion nascence directly to set up an illusion array right in front of Bianca and the others.

Although the illusion arcane array didn’t have much lethal power, it was capable of impeding the pace and speed of the demon beasts.

Sure enough, once these demon beasts charged into the illusion array, they all became sluggish in their movements, as if they were headless flies that had lost their way.

also allowed Bianca and the others to catch

Olsen family and other remaining cultivators, valiantly held back the

Ninth Level Tribulator, moved his palms in a dance. From the

puppets, much like robots, and charged

swarmed by demon beasts,

of demon beasts. Blood flowed like a river, staining the once pristine white snow into a

even those accustomed to carnage

the sight of beast cores scattered all over the ground was enough to stir up

demon beasts, some of their bodies burst open, with their beast

worth noting that each beast has a beast core inside

extracting the beast cores later would also be a considerable

and refused

wouldn’t want to get

the demon beasts were endless. They simply couldn’t

kind of battle undoubtedly consumed the most spiritual power. Some cultivators had no choice

down the demon beast. However, the array soon reached its

array that was hastily set up wasn’t particularly high. As the illusion array was breached, the pressure on Bianca and the

their line of sight, engaging in

holy maidens had started to

what should

in sweat, looking somewhat helplessly

this moment, Yuliya was also desperate. How

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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