Chapter 3824 One Man Against A Multitude Of Beasts

Palm prints descended from mid-air, striking those demon beasts. Jared had to momentarily halt these demon beasts, otherwise Bianca and her companions wouldn’t stand a chance of escaping.

Bianca and the others were desperately fleeing, not daring to hesitate in the slightest.

“What’s going on?”

At the mountaintop, Selma looked in the direction of the mountain foot, her brows furrowed.

At that moment, she saw the unceasing roars from the foot of the mountain. The sky was filled with intertwining spiritual energy, along with all sorts of shimmering lights.

“Ms. Selma, there’s a beast tide attacking from below, and Jared is leading people to resist it,” Leighton stepped forward and said.

“This kid actually dares to confront the beast tide head-on. He doesn’t know chalk from cheese.”

Selma chuckled coldly and then ordered, “Don’t bother with him; I doubt they’ll make it up the mountain alive. Right now, you need to gather your men and start collecting the polar stones immediately. Additionally, locate the entrance to the polar stone mine and gather as many polar stones as possible. If we wait for this wave of beasts to flood the mountains, we’ll lose our chance.

Selma knew that these beasts were definitely coming for the polar stones.

“Yes!” Leighton nodded and began to lead people to collect the polar stones.

still fervently battling the

to put some

and the others had also retreated to the top of the

thunder and

stared blankly at Jared, their


Tribulator, Holden didn’t

himself knew that he too wanted to retreat, but he was held back by the beast tide, completely unable to

no fool. He

could hold

trying to carve out

energy gradually obscured

soul essence, he would have

out by tens of thousands

Jared’s body had completely shattered, and blood streaks appeared

have to die like

a loss

the chaos dimension, and now he was trapped in the beast

time, Mr. Sanders probably wouldn’t save

Jared mechanically wielded the Dragonslayer Sword, his various

a flash of light burst from the Storage

and ran out,

appeared, the originally

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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