Chapter 3826 The Robot

Having witnessed Jared’s true strength, Holden, despite being a Ninth Level Tribulator cultivator and the head of the Olsen family, carried no airs about him at all.

“Don’t mention it!” Jared simply shrugged it off with a nonchalant smile.

Despite what he said, he almost lost his life.

“Sir, why did the beast outbreak suddenly retreat? Also, where have all the bodies of the demon beasts gone?” Holden voiced his own query.

The other cultivators were all ears, curious to find out what was really going on. Bianca’s group was all curious about what exactly had happened to Jared in the midst of that chilling fog.

“I’m not entirely sure myself, but the beast outbreak suddenly retreated with a roar, taking away the bodies of all their companions with them.” Jared had no choice but to lie as there was no way he could mention the Celestial Devourer.

they might

of devouring so many demon beast corpses in one go, so it

would have been more believable if Jared had simply told a

and said, “It seems that the recent roar indeed came from the beast lord. However, the reason why it called off the beast outbreak and even took away the bodies of its companions is unknown.

Jared’s words. After all, only such an explanation made

beast carcasses just vanish all at

change anything as the large number of beast

leave now. We’re off to explore the mountain, hoping to make some discoveries. If there’s anything

the Mueller family. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have ended up throwing

I ask you a question?” As Holden was about to


dealing with the beast outbreak, you utilized a puppet. I’m curious, did you purchase this puppet or did you craft it yourself? I see that you aren’t a demon, so you wouldn’t be crafting puppets, are you?”

sleeve, Holden summoned several dark spots that quickly transformed into puppets. Fearless of death, those puppets bravely

extremely curious. Holden didn’t seem to be a Demonic Cultivator, so he shouldn’t possess the cultivation technique to

all, only Demonic Cultivators knew that technique because turning corpses

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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