Chapter 3827 The Exchange

Seeing the puppet, Bianca couldn’t help but express her admiration. “This is incredible. It looks so real! What a true masterpiece.”

Holden had a smug look on his face as he said, “Our family ancestors were once taught this technique by Craftsmen Sect. That’s how we learned to craft puppets.”

“Craftsmen Sect?” Jared instantly recalled the hand fan in his hand, which was also a creation of Craftsmen Sect.

“Oh, so you’ve heard of Craftsmen Sect, too?” Holden asked, turning toward Jared.

Jared nodded. “Yes, I’ve heard of it. Apparently, it is quite renowned for its blacksmithing skills. Would it be possible for you to share the method of crafting these puppets, Mr. Holden? Also, what is used to power them?”

crafted by the demons, they utilized the inherent strength of the corpse itself along with the robustness of their physical bodies. Therefore, the strength of the puppet corpse was related to the

had to do with the method and materials used in its construction, as well as

a secret ultimate skill of the Olsen family. I’m afraid I can’t share it with you. However, this puppet is powered by things like spiritual stones and beast cores.

ultimate skill of their family. It wasn’t likely they would just casually

Holden, I also have a defensive weapon forged by Craftsmen Sect here. Take a look.” Jared took out that

carefully, and then excitedly said, “Not bad. This is indeed made by Craftsmen Sect. However, it’s somewhat damaged. I’m afraid it might not

like to offer you this hand fan. Could you perhaps share with me the technique of crafting puppets? I promise I won’t spread it around. I’m just really curious.” It was a painful sacrifice Jared was willing to make in exchange for the secret

create shadow clones, the energy expended by the shadow clones

always exist at any time and in any

puppet was different. As long as there were materials and spiritual stones, it could be crafted at will, without draining any of Jared’s

a puppet army. With such a force, he could triumph

for it as it could be recreated at any

lost in thought for a moment. After that, he leaned in and whispered

one knew what was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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