Chapter 3828 The Nameless Mountain Cave

“Let’s go. I wonder if the Mueller family has found the polar stone mine yet.” Having regained his strength, Jared, accompanied by Bianca and others, began to make their way up the mountain.

Throughout their journey, they saw polar stones scattered everywhere on the ground, yet none were picked up.

Other cultivators didn’t recognize the polar stones, and for them, those polar stones didn’t hold any particular value.

Meanwhile, Bianca’s group was desperately scavenging, but that only served to slow down their progress.

“Stop gathering now. Once we find the polar stone mine, we’ll have as much as we want.” Jared didn’t want Bianca’s group to gather the polar stones as the process was too slow.

Once they found a polar stone mine, Bianca’s group could have as many polar stones as they desired.

Suddenly, the voice of Vermilion Demon Lord echoed in Jared’s mind. “Don’t go up anymore!”

Jared paused, asking in confusion, “Why?”

had fallen into a painful reminiscence as he began speaking slowly. “I think there should be a cave around this mountainside, leading straight to the chaos dimension. I

the chaos

of the mountain peak was enveloped

had ascended the mountain from a different side, hence they were unaffected by

dimension because the tempest

couldn’t completely dismiss what Vermilion Demon

Lord had visited the place thousands of years ago. The massive crevice was the

Jared wanted to inquire about

I can remember this much.” After finishing his words, Vermilion Demon Lord

that moment, Jared found himself

continue up

contemplation, Jared decided to search

be located within the cave halfway up

on, everyone should start looking out for any signs of caves or similar. Also,

stone mine is at the

if the polar stone mine is actually located halfway up the mountain?” Jared

that moment, Bianca fell silent and didn’t say

the so-called cave halfway up

the others were aimlessly heading toward

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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